Here are Flowers to Keep your Garden Colorful. Many plants would lose their leaves and not be blooming until almost half a year.If you want a garden that is bright and colorful throughout the year then you ought to choose seasonal plants that are not affected by the harsh weather of the winter season.
Native plants are a great choice for gardens this year because according to Dr. Dennis Albert.They provide food and shelter for birds and insects like bees and butterflies that play a role in pollination. He is a senior research faculty member at the Oregon State University’s horticulture department.
Besides the flowers, gardeners should also make sure that there is a decent layer of mulch on their flower beds.
They take up good space in a child’s nursery, in the classroom and even on dresses. For centuries, sunflowers have been used to brighten up the living room because of the vibrancy that yellow exudes once you put the stalks in the vase. Besides their look, they can also tolerate mild frost. In fact, some species can get through heavy snow as well as heavy frosts. Throughout the colder months, sunflowers provide food to the birds and mammals because of surviving the harsh weather.

They are colorful flowers that bloom in the middle of the summer to the first frost.Dhalia come is a range of colors and sizes. They start blooming somewhere in the middle of July although they are planted around eight weeks prior to that.It is one of the most beautiful flowers on the planet.